RMIS Engineering shall prepare a pre-construction meeting notice and agenda to be distributed to the Owner, Owner’s Representative, Contractor, Facility Operator and others as requested by the Owner or Contractor.
RMIS shall chair the meeting and review topics including site safety, public safety, hazard identification, emergency response and other applicable regulations and policies. Project specifications, drawings, work schedule, inspection criteria, reporting procedures, invoicing procedures, communication procedures, material storage, site set-up, and coordination with facility occupants will be reviewed. Pre-construction photos of the interior, exterior and grounds will be obtained and filed for future reference. Copies of the meeting notes will be distributed to all attendees.
As new materials arrive on site they will be inspected and tested as necessary to determine compliance with specifications. Non-compliant materials will be tagged and the Contractor will be ordered to remove such materials from site.
As new materials are installed, RMIS will perform quality assurance inspections approximately every 3 installation days to ensure compliance with specifications and drawings. Non-compliant work will be rejected and the work will be effectively repaired or replaced as directed by RMIS. A Construction Field Report will be issued for each field inspection identifying the work progress, actions required for any identified issues and photos of the work. Issues that arise as a result of unforeseen site conditions are vetted and resolved through collaborative measures with assistance from RMIS Engineers.
Upon completion of the work RMIS will perform a final inspection and will document any deficiencies in the work. the Contractor will be ordered to correct the noted deficiencies and upon correction of the deficient work, will call for a final inspection. when RMIS is satisfied that all deficiencies have been corrected, a letter of completion will be issued to the Contractor instructing him to provide final closing documentation for review and approval by RMIS. RMIS will forward all required closing documents to the Owner and Provide written documentation stating the Contract has been satisfactorily performed.